Various online projects including media stations for exhibition displays, audiowalks with googlemap and audioguides.
BG DigitalBerlinische Galerie Digital Programme
Frontend Development, HTML, CSS with SASS, Vanilla JS (ES6), Google Maps Integration, Typo3
Client: 3pc
Digital Mediastation
@use 'scss_settings' as *; @use 'scss_functions' as *; @use 'scss_mixins' as *; @mixin media-item-position($left: 0, $top: 0, $right: auto, $bottom: auto) { top: $top; right: $right; bottom: $bottom; left: $left; }
Audiowalks with Googlemaps API
createPolyline = () => { const routeArray = JSON.parse(this.route); routeArray.forEach(route => { this.routeCoordinates.push(route); }); const routePath = new this.api.Polyline({ path: this.routeCoordinates, geodesic: true, strokeColor: '#00000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 3, }); routePath.setMap(this.googleMap); };
Exhibition Audioguides
audioStations.forEach((item, index) => { const itemObject = {}; const headlines = $$('h4', item); itemObject.audioFile = item.getAttribute('data-audio'); itemObject.plyrConfig = transformPlyrConfig( JSON.parse(item.getAttribute('data-plyr-config')) ); itemObject.images = JSON.parse(item.getAttribute('data-images')); itemObject.headline = headlines[0].innerHTML; itemObject.copy = $('p', item).innerHTML; itemObject.station = headlines[1].innerHTML; itemObject.index = index; const id = item.getAttribute('data-station-id'); = id; stationsStore[id] = itemObject; });
Exhibition Podcast Pages
function buildThresholdList() { const thresholds = []; const numSteps = 20; for (let i = 1.0; i <= numSteps; i++) { const ratio = i / numSteps; thresholds.push(ratio); } return thresholds; } function handleIntersect(entries) { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) {'visible'); } else {'visible'); } }); }